As a mother, you most likely want to be prepared, responsive, attentive and loving. You want your child to be healthy, happy, capable, confident and compassionate. To have this happen, you seek to create the best environment you can for your child – physically, emotionally, educationally, spiritually, and socially.

But to do this, you must yourself be in a good place in all these areas too. We often hear new moms complain about having no sleep, no time to eat right, no time to calm and rest themselves, and getting depressed and overwhelmed. Prevention is the best policy here.

But how can we find time for self-care when every cell in our body says the baby comes first?

There is a lot you can do without taking time from your child. And your good example will go far to setting a model for him or her to learn to take good care of himself or herself. For your sake and as a model for your child, self-care must be a high priority.

The easiest and most effective place to start then, in order to be the best mother you can be, is with self-care. It is easy to fantasize about shopping days, a weekend with friends, a spa day or a Sunday morning in bed. But these may not happen for a couple of years! The trick is to find ways to stay healthy and happy on a daily basis.

We recommend your start with your basic physical needs: food, water, air and sleep. These obvious factors are often overlooked in our hurried modern lifestyles. Yet they often can make a world of difference to keep illness and stress out of your home and our of your and your child’s life.

Attention to these vital factors helps in two ways. You supply the essential requirements for health of body and mind, and you also reduce the ever increasing toxic load of chemicals which can come from our food, water, air, and home furnishings. These are being increasingly linked to the health challenges which are causing the greatest suffering in our country today.

To learn more about these vital basic needs, go to our Blog, or explore our Store, where you will find information about advanced technology products for the home which we have researched and used often for many years, and which we highly recommend.

Then attend to your own emotional well-being and life-long learning, even for example, by exploring an enriching TV show, website, or book, just for a few minutes at a time, or just before going to sleep. Cultivate your faith, optimism, and confidence, if only with a short meditation before you get out of bed. And connect with friends and relatives if only by a quick call or text.

The most important thing is to start now to take care of yourself, if only for your child’s sake. Be sure to avail yourself of our Blog, Store, Books, and other resources. You need look no further for the answers you want to make motherhood the joy you have hoped for.

You Can Postpone Anything But Love.

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